Holy Orders/Vocations

Ordination to the priesthood is always a call and a gift from God.


From the moment of Jesus’ conception in the womb of Mary until his Resurrection, he was filled with the Holy Spirit. In biblical language, he was anointed by the Holy Spirit and thus established by God the Father as our high priest. As Risen Lord, he remains our high priest. . . . While all the baptized share in Christ’s priesthood, the ministerial priesthood shares this through the Sacrament of Holy Orders in a special way.


Prayer for Vocations

God, Our Father, Thank you for your son, Jesus, our Good Shepherd, who leads us to fullness of life.

By our baptism, we are called by name to continue the mission of Jesus.

Give us the grace to listen with an open heart to the voice of Jesus and to respond generously with a joyful spirit.

Strengthen the men and women you called to serve through marriage, the single life, the diaconate, priesthood, and consecrated life.

Guide all who are discerning their Christian vocation.

In gratitude we offer this prayer through Jesus and the Holy Spirit, united with you forever.


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Diocese of Gaylord-Vocations

Guide for Parents